Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 Ways To Simplify Your Life

2 Ways To Simplify Your Life

Have you been searching for peace of mind? Have life’s burdens been weighing you down? Do you wish your life was simple and want to simplify your life? Once you seek the peacefulness in which only God can provide to you, good things will begin happening in your life.

1. Don't Rely On Your Own Ability
Jesus doesn't want you to run to and count on worldly wisdom. Definitely there is certainly nothing wrong with seeing a doctor for medical help or getting a financial specialist to manage your money, but Jesus prefers you to come to Him first for guidance and direction.

2. Turn To Christ and Rest On Him
So where do you turn? Simply turn to Jesus Christ. He provides the Holy Spirit whom presently lives in you, that "silent voice" that you've heard so very often. The way you simplify your life is to start listening to the "silent voice".  The bible says the Holy Spirit shall teach you all things. Yes…ALL things!  Do you really feel that? Or do you find yourself seeking God’s advice simply for spiritual things, but ask for “professional” help for all other things in your daily life?

For example, a business deal you are considering may appear very good on the surface. However, if you do not have peace and tranquility in your spirit (“gut”), then you should not move forward. Only move forward if that you have the inner peace which the Holy Spirit provides.

Always be guided and driven by His peace and tranquility.  Anytime you follow the true peace which only God gives to you as an internal witness, good things will come your way!

For additional ways to simplify your life and about making Jesus part of your life, don't forget to visit www.helpme-findgod.com

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